Take Decision.

There is one quality of mind which of all others is most likely to make our fortunes if combined with talents, or to ruin them without it. we allude to that quality of mind which under given circumstances acts with a mathematical precision with such minds to resolve and to act is instantaneous. there are occasions when Decision must be taken at once. they seize the occasion and make the thought start into instant action. At once plan and perform, resolve and action.


It is but a truism to say that there can be no success in life without Decision of character. Even brains are secondary in importance to will. The intellect is but the half of a man; the will is the driving-wheel, the spring of motive power. A vacillating man, no matter what his abilities, is invariably pushed aside in the race of life by one of determined will. It is he who resolves to succeed, and at every fresh rebuff begins resolutely again, that reaches the goal. The shores of fortune are covered with the stranded wrecks of men of brilliant abilities, but who have wanted courage, faith, and decision, and have therefore perished in sight of more resolute, but less capable adventurers, who succeeded in making port. Hundreds of men go to their graves in obscurity who have remained obscure only because they lacked the pluck to make the first effort, and who, could they only have resolved to begin, would have astonished the world by their achievements and successes.


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